Lime Rock Press
Whitney North Seymour, together with his wife Catryna and daughters Gabriel and Tryntje, produces miniature books in Salisbury CT. Note: Each listing below has a Bradbury Number (RB#); please include the book title and this number when inquiring about or ordering a book. |
| | 13 Virtues and Precepts, 14 Rules of Civility, 12 Canons of Conduct; Franklin, Benjamin; Washington, George; Jefferson, Thomas | 1985, 2 1/8" x 2 1/2", 64 pp. each, 3 vols, printed paper wrappers | RB #21/22/23 | SOLD |
| Barnum's Secrets; Barnum, Phineas Taylor | 1985, 2 5/8" x 2 1/8", 61 pp., printed paper boards | RB #20 | SOLD |
| Benjamin Franklin, September 17, 1787; Franklin, Benjamin | 1981, 1" x 1", 25 pp., leather boards | RB #10 | $65.00 |
| Frog Ranch, The; Wister, Owen | 1985, 2 1/8" x 2 1/2", 64 pp., marbled paper boards | RB #18 | $30.00 |
| George Washington, April 30, 1789; Washington, George | 1981, 1" x 1", 25 pp., leather boards | RB #11 | $65.00 |
| | Holiday Memory; Thomas, Dylan | 1979, 2 1/2" x 2 1/8", 32 pp., gilt cloth boards, 125 copies | RB #1 | SOLD |
| | Lord of Lackawaxen Creek, The; Grey, Zane | 1981, 3" x 2 1/2", 64 pp., marbled paper wrapper, 1001 copies | RB #12 | $30.00 |
| | Spring Pools; Frost, Robert | 1983, 2 7/8" x 2 3/4", 64 pp., paper wrapper with cloth board portfolio, 12 original etchings, 150 copies | RB #15 | SOLD |
| | Mark Twain Sampler, A; Twain, Mark | 1980, 3" x 2 1/2", 64 pp., marbled paper wrapper, 1001 copies | RB #3 | $30.00 |
| | Thoughts from the Cork; Seymour, Whitney North Jr. | 1981, 1 3/4" x 7/8", 28 pp., two halves of a cork screw serve as book covers | RB #14 | SOLD |
| | Where Tigers Roar in Silence; Hess, Lynn | 1980, 2 13/16" x 2 11/16", 32 pp., paper wrapper, cloth clamshell box, 999 copies | RB #2 | SOLD |